Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Lantern Floating In Hiroshima, August 6th

A sight that we almost missed that caused not a little amount of tension in the ranks.
This is probably only of those unearthly moments that needs to be experienced in the flesh. It was an ethereal experience and there's little that one (this one, at least) can say to adequately communicate the mood of the evening.

Far warmer than balmy, this typical Hiroshima summer night was a very calm one as people serenely wandered the streets late in to the night. It's truly hard to comprehend this city's history given its current facade. They do a good job of their commemorative events. Though one cannot hope to understand the horror of the bombing fully it seems important that such occasions give us recourse for a little reflection. The simple beauty and eloquence of the lanterns on the inky river lined by people joining so collarboratively and all-embracingly in rememberance, made you glad to be alive in the world, despite its juxtaposition with the terrible event of which it served to remind us.

It was extra special to be able to savour such an occasion with a loved one. Just another of life's reminders that we can't take anything or anyone for granted. (I'm so glad you could be here for that!)


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