Tuesday, September 20, 2005

T'was the season

My 24th
Originally uploaded by Yukata Me.
With the advant of my new super computer from the most cliched of places - Akihabara - I am now wired up to the teeth and capable of uploading photos for the first time in a long time! So here is an oldie of my birthday party.
Strange how different people cope with different situations. Birthdays were always something of a difficulty for me because so often I would look forward to them so much that they were inevitably a disappointment. I have some great memories of the parties I had as a child and my parents always went to a lot of effort. I also clearly remember the occasions when things would just end in tears.
Long ago I decided to take matters into my own hands and have organised things myself to best prevent such instances. I think that from my haphazard and wonderful 21st onwards, somehow due to a change in attitude, I always had a brilliant time.

Regardless my 24th in Japan, so far from my stalwart friends and family could have been a slightly bitter and lonely one had it not been for my great friends here . . . It's unlikely that most of them will ever read this, but regardless I'd like to say a late though heart-felt thank you to all who made my day so special. It will certainly be one that stays with me a long time.

Special thanks to Maki and Keiko for the great food; Karl for the well-executed Tanuki with excessively large balls; Jules for helping me with most everything and even wearing those bunny ears from the pass-the-parcel that we made together! Evan for endless enthusiam and girl-chasing entertainment. Ashley for Totoro who graces my room and for making such an effort when it was a pain to get home. O-san for being so competitive about Musical Chairs or the "Isu tori geimu". Everyone else who was hilarious fun.

I also can't forget my fantabulous friendlies in A-town who went to the expense and effort of ringing me on the night to chat for the first time in about 4 months. It was a joy to hear your voices again, even if you were on Gouger St without me. Oh! The hankering for some good vegies!

Tomorrow I head for Korea! Will this travelling ever cease ?
Most certainly - Next Monday I have to be back at Uni at 9am - ick!


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