Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Me and Yuta at the Yaki-niku after Taue

Wizard thinks that Yuta looks scary . . . and admittedly he is doing that annoying Japanese thing of the peace sign, but he's sooo much fun! This was taken on my first expedition into the Japanese countryside. It was quite some time ago now (the 15th of May according to the flyer that's still on my fridge) but I've finally taken the immensely long period of time that it takes me to organise these photos on this slow old computer! I this was on our Taue (rice plating outing) which was certainly a quintessentially Japanese thing to do. This is us enjoying the feast which is Japanese style BBQ - called Yaki-niku - which literally means 'cooked/grilled meat'. I didn't partake of the meat but the vegies, and mochi (pounded rice cakes of both savoury and sweet varieties) and onigiri (rice balls) are fantastic! This kind of BBQ is far more up my alley than the traditional Auslandian BBQ and I plan to implement aspects of it upon my return! You'd think that a grilled ball of rice would be rather uninspiring but dammit! You'd be wrong!

Today I watched some of Lord of The Rings - The Two Towers in Japanese with my friend Marie! It was so great - it's excellent to know that the power of nerd-dom can bridge language and cultural barriers!

Also had a welcome party for a large group of one month exchange students so yet again we got a great free feed and I even got to 持って帰る (mottekaeru) 'take home' or doggy-bag a whole lot of stuff! They don't usually let you do that but tonight I got really excited when they suggested it as there was a whole tonne of chirashi-zushi (散らし鮨 - scattered sushi - meaning that rather than being rolled up or anything the ingredients are arranged over the rice)left over and now I won't have to make lunch for the next two days!! Super! There was also a bit of fruit to be had too - ah free fruit in Japan! It's so expensive we fruit-lovers all have to make the most of the opportunities that we can get!

On the weekend I got my first experience of sleeping on a futon on tatami and legally messing around with a whole tonne of fireworks!! It rocked and I can now say that I have set fire to a Japanese heart!


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