Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Back to School

Today was the second Monday at Uni, and the first real week of work for most classes. However, my first class wasn't on and the second two for the day are ones I am no longer enrolled in. My teacher is so great though I figured I'd just keep on rocking up as long as she'd accept me and I could keep up with what I expect will be a big workload this semester. I'm kind of glad I resolved upon that after the farcical events of 4th period.

Just as background, last week Evan and I took the placement test and were resultingly moved into the middle level class with the Koreans who arrived at the start of the year when we did. Thus I no longer have to go to my old basic level Japanese classes of 2nd and 3rd period on a Monday. However, while these classes with the new exchange students were a little on the slow-paced side the middle level class today was nigh on impossible. We only got the text in class so unlike the others could not have prepared but still . . . arghh! Evan turned glassy eyed and I managed to catch some words. The explanations during class being only Japanese wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't that the textbook too is wholly in Japanese as well. I can see this one is not going to be a walk in the park . . . .

Apparently our Thursday class textbook has English explanations in it - thank goodness!
But what I'm really looking forward to is the 3rd period class on Thursdays for which we set our own topic. Thus we have to watch a movie and transcribe it or read a manga and note unknown words or somesuch - Sounds great to me - I'm thinking of attempting Miyazaki's Nausicaa manga . . . ganbarimasu! man, it'll be heaven when I get Japanese langauge function on to this new computer . . .

Also note that despite school having gone back I spent the weekend in Kyoto - Ahh - The Shinkansen - a wonderful beast for getting from A-Z (that's Zed, Karl - thanks for the postcard) in no time at all! I even managed to use my advanced skills and conversational arts to barter down the price on some Hagi-yaki (pottery from Hagi in Yamaguchi Prefercture - not terribly appropriate for when in Kyoto, but hey ?! All who know me know I can't refuse a bargain!)

Now I have spent far more time than I had alotted (oh the best laid plans of mice and me . . . ) to 'communications' and it's probably time for some dinner and some study!


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