Sunday, July 16, 2006

Native flora and fauna

Riyo 'n a bucket
Originally uploaded by 絵理.
Wouldn't it be nice for women if kids did grow in buckets with water and maybe the occasional sprinkling of blood and bone - I'm mainly thinking of my friend whose suffering from awful morning sickness and all those women I have ever talked to about labour - something to look forward to there, hey ladies!

The Long Weekend . . . just the start of things.
I should be in the midst of pre exam preparation but I slept in yesterday, somehow exhausted and then ended up feeling pretty unwell for the day. I organised stuff for Miss Jess Jess and did some vaguely study related readings, paper tidying, then gave up and watched Amelie which I was sent for my birthday. After that I decided to start organising an mix MD for Kana. She wants to come to Australia on exchange so I thought she might enjoy some of the local stuff I had. For one reason and another I now only have a lot of this stuff on an MD for I went out for a long walk and one last listen before I say goodbye to that part of my life. It was a nice walk by the river in the dark as lightening flash out over the distant bay. Now that I've been in Japan for a while I'm resigned to being sweaty at the drop of a hat and being slicked with what feels like floodwater. I overtook a lady at one point and then passed her on the way back and received a friendly saltutation that I couldn't quite make out but responded with a smile and a bow.

As you might realise from the photo of little Riyo climbing into a bucket to cool off - it's HOT here. But not really so hot yet that everyone feels it is time to revert to the ariconditioners! Ahh! The humidity is such a killer. Since my arrival here in April Riyo speech has come along amazingly. She's always been a smiler and I know that I miss her and Rina so much when I leave. (*In a footnote, while I was out at school on friday Riyo did this trick again but ened up falling out and spliting her lip and bruising her cheek - moral of the story is to be careful buckets hey! Much better to be wading around the fountain in front of the Adelaide Museum on North Tce like I used to do! ~【^^^】~) Whilst it can take away from my own time, living in a household with kids again is rather lovely. Talks your mind off your own problems, and at times puts them in perspective. Like the time I burst into tears and ran to my room when I got an email, only to be followed by Rina asking who had died . . . Had my Dad died? . . . Who was sick? Had so and so had a baby? . . . Hard not to laugh through tears at questions like that that make what you are going through seem a little stupid and self-indulgent.

Today I spent the whole day out with Kumi, Hide and Riyo. Shopping around and having lunch. Nothing much at all but it was nice just to get out of the house and do stuff with them. Bought yet a few more clothes for myself and am brilliantly stocked up already now for Xmas for a few special peeps. We came home and had a crazy mix of things that we just ran around buying at the shop and I had some Ume-shu and am now feeling rather sleepy and like curling up with someone who's nicely and cuddley.

I have done some planning of the upcoming trip that Beenz and I will be doing on our tour together of this western tip of Japan.

Tomorrow I am meeting up with Alex and Osan for lunch because it's the last time that Alex will see Osan before she goes home and it's be a threesome kind of friendship for since not long after Alex arrived so that will be weird. Must find Alex a going away present ~ Kakigoori making machine ?? It's the new mochi.

Right, off to bed, cuddles and sleep and maybe some more trip planning. From tomorrow! 頑張れ~試験をよく受けるように~
The studies will start and I WILL start reading my book about the Czech republic (in Japanese) . . and I will do a good job of my presentation which I only just remembered now!!
I will do these things and do them well because this is the final stretch; this is my Shudo swansong. And despite the exhaustion and frequent headaches that are dogging me I will do these things!! Because it's important for me to succeed now, at this last hurdle.
*Today I shelled out big dollars (well, yen) to get my hands on some iron supplements without dairy products in it. I'm hoping this will help with the abovementioned health issues.


Blogger Joshiesmoov said...

Hi El

Enjoyed reading your thoughts. I'm glad to think other people, like yourself, consider such.

So Rene is coming over - thats great!

2:42 PM  

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