Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Alternate means of study . . .

I'm not sure if I mentioned how I thought that being a exchange student sure gave you a good excuse for mucking up in class. I take one subject, called 日本語学 (nihongogaku - Japanese linguitics) which is a mainstream,for Japanese students, and more often than not, I've had no idea what was going on. Thus I once spent the lecture talking to a girl in Japanese . . . yet how can that not be classified as study of the Japanese language ?!! A perfect scheme with naery a foible! Japan rules! How can I go wrong ?

A further example of this is that I have just come back from a class in which we went to Karaoke!!! Dudes!! Karaoke as a form of learning! Julie was sick today, and the rest of us were rather tired (partially induced by celebrations of Evan's 21st, and particularly for me, because I was up til 2am shouting into earphones connected to my laptop, transmitting my voice back to Auslandia and thereby having exciting conversations with Wizard).

The teacher herself, who is always ridiculously 'genki'(lit. health(y), but in this usage think 'full of beans') had flown in from Tokyo this morning - she tried to come here last night but because of fog they couldn't land and had to fly all the way back!! I said something about going to Karaoke for kanji practise and she said we would - I thought she must be joking!! But no! we had to work through lunch but then off we went! Though we had to wait for about ten minutes because the Korean guy who is a teacher from a Korean Uni ticked off to put something in his room and then somehow went off somewhere else while we all stood around wasting time - arrgh!!

I'm think going to bed at 2am last night has not increased my tolerance for such things . . . anyway, Karaoke for class - how cool! only, in actual fact it wasn't so hot as I don't know any Japanese songs well enough yet to sing them - I tried to do Tonari Totoro but failed miserably and had to cancel it! Oh well, the teacher said I was great at our shadowing practise - I'll just have to download some songs and start practising at home! 練習をしたい!!

Right, now it's almost time to go off and get some free sushi at the Welcome Party for a group from Arizona who are staying on campus to study for a month . . .


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