Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Up and not quite running

Thanks to a lovely lady of the plains I now have a blog all of my very own! Only so many things have happened since arriving in Hiroshima at the start of April that one doesn't know quite where to start . . . Thus! I declare this the start of what is sure to be a blog of dubious quality!

It's a very sparkling day here - they are reasonably rare. When I first arrived I thought that life would prove to be a uniform grey glare but this presumption thankfully was incorrect and we do have moments of warm blue that can't help but lighten the spirit!

It's week three of classes at Hiroshima Shudo University and I'm starting to get into the swing of things, though 宿題 (homework) is still not managing to rank up there amongst priorities. It's great to finally have manged to get to Japan after years of planning and scheming. I feel really motivated to learn all I can, but there just don't seem to enough hours in the day . . . hence I'm about to head off a my International Relations class without having finished the last few pages of the reading or formulated the required response to hand up. I'm not too concerned however, as the teacher is an older American and his love of rambling makes the class regularly digressionary, and enjoyable. It makes a nice change to have a class where you don't have to worry about a language barrier, quite aside from actually understanding course content!

I have joined the Art club and have that this afternoon from 4:40 until 6pm. I joined last Tuesday and though very few people could speak any English they were so friendly that I'm really looking forward to it! Crazy Japan and their clubs . . .

Yay to fun with friends visiting from home. Life is getting into a better routine now and weekends are proving charmed for great weather and hanging out with lovely people!


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